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Freckles are formed by varying the pigments within the skin due to various objective reasons such as genetics , aging , hormones change... So that freckles are very difficult to treat the root . Most of these drugs affect only the surface of the skin is to not remove freckles permanently . Meanwhile , Nd Yag Laser technology can help you treat the root safety freckles without losing any bit of effort .


Freckles easily occur in people with white skin . The round black spot will become very prominent on your face , so they cause major impact on skin beauty . Also , freckle also has the ability to spread quickly if exposed to the sun . Drawbacks makes freckles become extremely annoying enemies with each woman.


Freckles wrong treatment also caused a lot of harm. Therefore looking to the scientific method, precise and more efficient, and we are pleased to introduce an absolutely safe method, which is not harmful to the skin is the application of technology Nd Yag Laser Q-Switch .


Currently one of the treatments most effective freckles may be mentioned that the application of laser technology for aesthetic skin. In particular, Q-Switch technology with Nd Yag Laser in dermatology clinic Stamford, freckles will be removed quickly and disappear forever. To be examined and treated at the clinic Stamford freckles, you only have to go through the process of 4 steps:

1. Contact us for advice, we will answer all your questions about the treatment of freckles.
2. You will be examined and guided directly by dermatologists at our clinic, then the doctor will choose the appropriate treatment for you.
3. You will be undergone laser treatment in Stamford, this process may take multiple treatments to ensure best effective for your skin.
4. After the treatment is the recovery period, this period is very fast and will soon bring white skin smooth, fresh for you.


Before and After treated by Q-Switch Laser Nd Yag


Dr. Tom Cuong have over 20 years experience in the field of dermatology


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Dr Tom Cuong's certificate


Anyone experiencing problems freckles can also laser treatment, because this is a very safe method for skin. Especially with Q-switch Nd Yad Laser, the freckles will be removed accurately and quickly. Treatment effects will be evident immediately after the first treatment, then you should re-treatment 2-4 times, depending on the guidance of a doctor to get a perfect skin.

Also you can be assured for cosmetic treatments, laser skin is not painful and does not happen any complications to the skin after treatment. Instead, a smooth skin as newly reborn will appear on your face.

Contact Us
If you have questions about the treatment of FRECKLE at Stamford Skin Center, please call directly for Stamford via Hotline (028) 3925 1990 or fill out the consultation form below .

Stamford Skin Centre


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