Excess UVR is the main cause of skin cancer. Encourage people to enjoy outdoor
activities (some UVB maintains the levels of vitamin D), but those who have signs of sun
damage, such as solar keratoses or skin cancers, or are taking immunosuppressive drugs
should limit sun exposure (be sun-smart) and avoid sunburn. Spring and winter sunshine
in the UK has insufficient UVB to promote much synthesis of vitamin D, but adequate
levels of vitamin D will be maintained for most people through everyday exposure to the
sun in the summer months, e.g. if the arms, legs, and/or face receive about 15min of sun
exposure three times a week.
A tan signals that the skin has been trying to protect itself from damage, while sunburn is
unnecessary, and painful. Practical sun safety tips have been provided in the UK
Shunburn campaign and Australian ‘Slip– Slop–Slap–Seek–Slide’.
Shunburn Campaign 2014
• Cover up the skin—long-sleeved shirt, collar, long shorts/sarong.
• Slap on the sunscreens—use at least SPF30 generously.
• Wear a hat or cap; slip on the shades.
• Chill out in the shade. reach for shade between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Slip–Slop–Slap–Seek–Slide (2007)
• Slip on a shirt: cover exposed skin with loose-fitting cotton clothing that has a tight
• Slop on sunscreen cream (SPF30 or more) liberally and frequently to the face and other
exposed skin, but creams are no substitute for hats, clothing, and a sensible lifestyle.
• Slap on a hat with a broad brim and tight weave (check how much light comes through
the hat by holding it up to the sun). The neck should be protected, as well as the face and
ears. Baseball caps do not provide adequate sun protection.
• Seek shade.
• Slide on wrap-around sunglasses to prevent sun damage.