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Identify symptoms of dermatology

Most skin diseases can be detected easily with the naked eye. However, it is worth mentioning that there are many diseases that have similarities in symptoms, so it is easy to cause confusion. Before going to dermatology you should know to recognize the symptoms that indicate an abnormality in the skin, which is:

There are red or white swollen areas of skin.

– Red, itchy skin.

– Dry, rough, scaly skin.

-Skin tends to peel and peel.

– Ulcers on the skin in an increasingly progressive direction.

– Unusual patches of skin discoloration.

– Hives, bumps, warts or signs of growth in the size of lesions on the skin.

– Has a mole with an abnormal size or color change.

-The skin suddenly loses pigmentation.

All these signs will be different for each person depending on the condition they have. In addition, there will also be other dermatological symptoms not mentioned above but are usually easy to ignore or difficult to detect, so it is easy to appear subjective psychology, not timely examination.

What are the steps of a dermatological examination and when should you go to the doctor?

1. What is a dermatological examination?

Any  dermatological examination procedure  cannot skip the first step of skin examination. Next, depending on the specific case, the doctor will ask the patient to perform a number of necessary tests to have a basis for making an accurate diagnosis of the condition they are experiencing.

Allergy test – one of the common tests when going to a dermatologist

Some of the test items that patients are often ordered to “visit a dermatologist” are:

– Blood tests.

– Microscopic examination of fungi.

– Urine test.

– Check for skin irritation.

– Allergy testing.

– Serum test.

– Skin biopsy.

In addition, there will be a number of other examination items prescribed by the doctor not listed above. Each specific case will be given the appropriate examination and examination items by the doctor.

After the test results are available, the doctor will explain the examination results, advise on related issues or give a suitable treatment plan for each patient (if necessary). Often skin diseases will be treated with topical drugs, subcutaneous injections or oral medications such as vitamins, antibiotics, steroids, antihistamines, pain relievers, etc.

2. When to see a dermatologist?

Dermatological diseases are skin inflammation or irritation due to different causes. Each case will have different symptoms and severity. Most skin diseases will cause itching to many degrees, there are pathologies that cause abnormal changes in the skin that affect aesthetics, so the patient becomes less confident with the people around,. .. In addition, there are also a number of skin diseases that can cause dangerous complications if not detected for treatment right from the start.

Dermatological examination when there are skin abnormalities helps to prevent dangerous diseases for health

It is worth mentioning that today, many people still believe that skin diseases are hardly serious and can go away on their own over time. This is the wrong way of thinking, which easily puts the patient in dangerous situations. Dermatologists recommend that, when there are the following abnormal signs of skin, it is best to see a specialist as soon as possible:

Having moles that change suddenly in shape and size.

– Sudden appearance of cystic acne.

– Have persistent acne that does not go away.

– Dry, irritated, itchy skin for a long time.

There are patches of red, rough, scaly skin.

Excessive hair loss (over 100 hairs/day) or sudden red itchy bumps on the scalp.

– Discoloration of the skin.

– Frequent red rashes on the skin.

Not any abnormal signs on the skin need to be treated, sometimes it is just necessary to take care of the skin properly such as: changing the cosmetics in use, cleaning and cleaning the skin properly, supplementing food. contains many vitamins in the daily diet,… However, most people can’t know exactly if their abnormal skin problem is dangerous or not, the cause,… Therefore, dermatological examination in such cases is advisable to take timely intervention measures when necessary, to avoid other health consequences.

The content shared above will hopefully help you understand the importance and issues related to dermatology. Stamford Skin Center Dermatology Clinic with a team of leading specialists and advanced medical equipment system is a place worth your attention when you need to examine skin problems.


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