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Lichen striatus is an uncommon self-limiting skin rash that occurs mainly in children.

The cause of lichen striatus is unknown. Possibly genetic factors or environmental triggers have a role to play in its development. The eruption affects the lines of Blaschko.

Signs and Symptoms

Lichen striatus starts as small pink, red or flesh coloured spots that over the course of one or two weeks join together to form a dull red slightly scaly linear band. The band is usually 2 mm to 2 cm in width and may be a few centimetres in length or may extend the entire length of the limb. Lesions occur most commonly on one arm or leg but can affect the neck, face, or trunk. Usually, there are no symptoms but some patients may complain of slight or intense itching.


There is no effective treatment for lichen striatus and in most cases none is necessary. It usually resolves within 6 months but may leave temporary hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation.

Emollients may be used to help treat dryness or itching, if present. Topical steroids or pimecrolimus cream may clear the lesions although they may take some weeks to be effective.

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