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What is cat-scratch disease?
Bartonella henselae, a common infection in cats, causes localized cutaneous infection
in humans. The organism is passed between cats by the bites of cat fleas and is
transmitted to humans by cat scratches or the saliva in cat bites. Most patients are
under 21 years of age.

What should I look for?
• A history of a cat bite or scratch (90% of patients).
• After 3–10 days, an erythematous papule, pustule, vesicle, or nodule develops at the
site of inoculation. It may persist for several months.
• Tender regional lymphadenopathy develops about 2 weeks after the bite or scratch
and may persist for 2–4 months. Cat-scratch disease is the commonest cause of
chronic benign lymphadenopathy in children and adolescents.
• Mild fever.

What should I do?
• The disease is self-limiting, resolving within 2–6 months. No specific treatment is

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