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Millennials aren’t waiting to age, they’re getting preventive cosmetic procedures now.
The patients walking through our door and into consultation rooms are getting
younger and younger, they are looking for non-invasive cosmetic treatment.

This group, usually mid-to-late 30s and early 40s, are seeking to “prejuvenate” —
cosmetic work done to maintain a youthful appearance rather than repair it once aging
becomes noticeable. Millennials, those born between 1981 and 1996, are turning
toward preventive measures earlier for a number of reasons.

“There’s no right age — you do it when you need it,”
Millennials have been coined the “wellness generation,” meaning the age group
highly values mental and physical health. According to Sanford Health, a South
Dakota-based health system, millennials are eating more healthily, exercising more,
smoking less and using technology to do all of these things.
An increase in millennials seeking cosmetic procedures is part of a holistic approach
to life and health. If a person feels that they look good, it can contribute to an overall
feeling of goodness.

The most popular noninvasive procedure overall is Botox, which was ranked first for
both men and women, followed by fillers/injectables.
Younger patients are having more injectable treatments every year and called them
preventive as well as therapeutic.

Unlike previous generations seeking improvement, millennials want movement and a
more natural look. They do not want to look like they have had work done, which
could be another reason they’re seeking treatments earlier in life.

There is no stopping aging. Botox, fillers and chemical peels aren’t exactly the
fountain of youth as much as they’re the fountain of procrastination.
But though cosmetic therapy continues to rise, there is a natural way to curtail the
effects of aging that is also increasing: sun protecting and not smoking.

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