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Your new baby has the softest skin — however, maybe you’ve noticed scaly, greasy
patches develop on their scalp. These patches are a type of seborrheic dermatitis
called cradle cap.

Cradle cap is harmless and goes away on its own after a few months. Although
treatment is not necessary, there are steps you can take at home to help loosen and
remove the scale. To treat cradle cap at home, board-certified dermatologists
recommend following these tips:
– Wash your baby’s hair more frequently. For most babies, shampooing as frequently
as every other day can help soften the scale and reduce cradle cap. However, if your
baby has eczema or another skin condition, follow your dermatologist’s directions
about how often to bathe your baby.

– Use the right shampoo. Use fragrance-free baby shampoo. However, if washing your
baby’s hair with this shampoo isn’t enough to keep the cradle cap in check, switch to
one formulated to treat this condition. Look for the term "cradle cap" on the label, or
ask your dermatologist for a recommendation.

– Gently massage away the scale when shampooing. For more stuck-on scale, use a
non-food-based oil (like baby oil) to help soften the scale and make it easier to
remove. Apply the baby oil to the scalp before bathing, then shampoo while gently
massaging the scale with your finger. You can also carefully use a baby brush during
your baby’s bath to help remove the scale in their hair. You can also use a baby comb.
Never scratch or pick at cradle cap, as this could cause an infection.

Little newborn baby with psoriasis or dandruff in the hair

– Know when to see a dermatologist. If your baby has a severe rash spreading beyond
their hair; pain or a disruptive itch; hair loss; or an odor coming from the rash, make
an appointment to see a board-certified dermatologist, who can offer prescription

Cradle cap tends to improve by six to 12 months of age.

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