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What is a chancroid?

Chancroid is a bacterial infection that causes open sores on or around the genitals of men and women. It’s a type of sexually transmitted disease (STD), which means it’s transmitted through sexual contact.

The bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi causes this infection. It attacks tissue in the genital area and produces an open sore that’s sometimes referred to as a chancroid or ulcer.

The ulcer may bleed or produce a contagious fluid that can spread bacteria during oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse. Chancroid may also spread from skin-to-skin contact with an infected person.


The symptoms may vary in men and women, but typically they begin four to seven days after exposure.


Men may notice a small, red bump on their genitals that may change to an open sore within a day or two. The ulcer may form on any area of the genitals, including the penis and scrotum. The ulcers are frequently painful.


Women may develop four or more red bumps on the labia, between the labia and anus, or on the thighs. After the bumps become ulcerated, or open, women may experience a burning or painful sensation during urination or bowel movements.

Additional symptoms in men and women

The following symptoms can occur in both men and women:

  • The ulcers can vary in size and are usually anywhere.
  • The ulcers have a soft center that’s gray to yellowish-gray with defined, or sharp, edges.
  • The ulcers may bleed easily if touched.
  • Pain may occur during sexual intercourse or while urinating.
  • Swollen lymph nodes can break through the skin and lead to large abscesses, or collections of pus, that drain.

Diagnosing the condition may involve taking samples of the fluid that drains from the sore. These samples are sent to a laboratory for analysis. Your doctor may also examine the lymph nodes in your groin for swelling and pain.



Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to kill the bacteria that are causing your ulcers. Antibiotics may also help decrease the chance of scarring as the ulcer heals.


Your doctor may drain a large and painful abscess in your lymph nodes with a needle or through surgery. This reduces swelling and pain as the sore heals but might cause some light scarring at the site.


The condition is curable if treated. Chancroid sores may heal without noticeable scarring if all medications are taken as prescribed by your physician. Untreated chancroid conditions may cause permanent scarring on the genitals of men and lead to serious complications and infections in women.

If you’re diagnosed with chancroid, you’re also at risk for all other STDs so you should be tested for them as well. Additionally, people who are HIV positive that contract chancroid tend to heal more slowly.


You can avoid getting this disease by using condoms during sexual contact.

Other preventive measures include:

  • limiting the number of sexual partners and practicing safe sex
  • avoiding high-risk activities that may lead to getting chancroid or other sexually transmitted infections
  • alerting all partners if you develop the condition so that they may be tested and treated as well


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