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What Is a Milium Cyst?
A milium cyst is small, white bump that typically appears on the nose and cheeks. These cysts are often found in groups, and in these cases are called milia. The cysts occur when keratin becomes trapped beneath the surface of the skin. Keratin is a strong protein that is typically found in skin tissues, hair, and nail cells.
Milia can occur in people of all ages, but they’re most common in newborns. They’re typically found on the face, eyelids, and cheeks. Milia are often confused with a condition called Epstein pearls, which involves the appearance of harmless white-yellow cysts on a newborn’s gums and mouth. Milia are also often inaccurately referred to as “baby acne.”
Keep reading to learn more about milia as well as their causes and what you can do to treat them.

What Are the Types of Milia?

Milia are small, dome-shaped bumps that are usually white or yellow. They’re usually not itchy or painful. However, they may cause discomfort for some people. Rough sheets or clothing may cause milia to become irritated and red.
There are various types of milia. These cysts are classified based on the age at which they occur or the injury that causes the cysts to develop.

Neonatal Milia

This condition develops in newborns and heals within a few weeks. Cysts are typically seen on the face, scalp, and upper torso. According to the Stanford School of Medicine, milia occurs in about 40 percent of newborn babies.

Juvenile Milia

This condition is caused by genetic disorders. These include:
  • nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
  • pachyonychia congenita
  • Gardner syndrome
  • Bazex-Dupré-Christol syndrome

Primary Milia in Children and Adults

This condition is caused by keratin trapped beneath the skin surface. Cysts can be found around the eyelids, forehead, and on the genitalia. Primary milia may disappear in a few weeks or last for several months.

Milia en Plaque

This condition is commonly associated with genetic or autoimmune skin disorders, such as discoid lupus or lichen planus. Milia en plaque can affect the eyelids, ears, cheeks, or jaw.
The cysts can be several centimeters in diameter. This condition is primarily seen in middle-aged women, but it can occur in adults and children of all genders and ages.

Multiple Eruptive Milia

This type of milia consists of itchy areas that can appear on the face, upper arms, and torso. The cysts often appear over a span of time, ranging from a few weeks to a few months.

Traumatic Milia

These cysts occur where injury to the skin has occurred. Examples include severe burns and rashes. The cysts may become irritated, making them red along the edges and white in the center.

Milia Associated with Drugs

The use of steroid creams can lead to milia on the skin where the cream is applied. However, such side effects from topical medications are rare.
       Milia en plaque                                   Multiple eruptive milia
       Primary Milia                                     Secondary Milia
What Causes Milia?
The cause of milia in newborns is unknown. It’s often mistaken for baby acne, which is triggered by hormones from the mother. Unlike baby acne, milia doesn’t cause inflammation (swelling). According to the Stanford School of Medicine, infants who have milia are born with it, while baby acne doesn’t appear for a few weeks after birth.
In older children and adults, milia are typically associated with some type of damage to the skin, such as:
  • blistering due to a skin condition
  • burns
  • blistering injuries, such as poison ivy
  • skin resurfacing procedures, such as dermabrasion or laser resurfacing
  • long-term use of steroid creams
  • long-term sun damage
 Milia Treatment
Skin biopsy is necessary if there is doubt in the diagnosis .
There is no cure for the treatment of pterygium effective primary and secondary levels. The individual reports had confirmed the success of treatment with Isotretinoin, Etretinate and Mynocyline
Milia is not harmful , but if the patient requires treatment , surgery can be used needle to make a small incision and remove the inside . This can be carried out without anesthesia .Milia en plaque was treated effectively with electric heating , CO2 laser and cryotherapy 

 Contact Us
If you have questions about the treatment of keloids at Stamford Skin Center invite you to call directly for Stamford via Hotline (08) 3925 1990 or fill out the consultation form below .



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