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Naevus anemicus is a congenital vascular anomaly that presents clinically as a hypopigmented macule or patch.

Naevus anaemicus is usually first noted in early childhood, although it is likely to be present at birth. It is reported to be more common in females than in males.

The lesional pallor is due to a localized hypersensitivity to catecholamines with resultant persistent vasoconstriction.

Clinical features


Naevus anaemicus is usually a single, asymptomatic hypopigmented patch that does not become reddened on rubbing.

Satellite hypopigmented macules may be seen around the main patch.

It does not cause any symptoms.

Naevus anaemicus most often affects the trunk, but can occur at any body site.



Naevus anaemicus is diagnosed by its appearance. The contrast between the affected skin, in which the blood vessels are constricted, and the normal skin can be eliminated by pressing on the surrounding skin with a glass slide.



No treatment is necessary or available for naevus anaemicus. Cosmetic camouflage can be used if desired.



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